This can happen to anybody

I was 27 years old when I met my girl of dreams. I was so happy, I couldn’t control myself. Luckily I was going to marry my dream girl. My mother liked her too. And because I was the only child of my parents my father never said no to me. I was the obedient child so it wasn’t hard for my parents to fulfil my wishes as I never showed stubborn behaviour.I did my engineering from Canadian University and was working in a multi-national company. I had enough earning to start my new life with my beautiful partner. I loved sports and Football was my favourite sports. I had my football team in a well known sports club. My Fiance loved watching me play, she was great in cheering me, encouraging me.She was 23 years old. She was really pretty. She had long, silky straight brown hair. She had Asian complexion. She was tall and the eldest sister of two siblings. She was responsible, sweet, caring and educated. She was tall, had dark brown eyes, a cute smile and her voice was so melodious. Everything was great.After so long, the day of our wedding finally arrived.We belonged to a simple and noble family. So our wedding had shades of simplicity. She looked beautiful.
We had all our loved ones on that day. Everyone seemed happy but I couldn’t control my high spirits. When Mehreen (my to be wife) was asked If she accepts Burhan (me) as her beloved husband she with her shaking low voice accepted saying “Yes I do” I couldn’t define how I felt. Our wedding day ended with wishes and laughter.My wife always was a perfect partner for me. She cooked for me and my parents. Nursed me, cleaned for me, and whipped my tears, smiled with me. I had my heaven in this world and I was so blessed. After One year our blessings increased our daughter came into our lives. It was 19th of June. It was hot that day but e never paid attention to it. Everyone was excited to see her. Mehreen and I named her “Henna.” Henna means blessed. We were blessed by this cute little gift from God and we thanked him by this name. She was cute and pretty like her mother.Mehreen had bought many things for her. Henna was treated like a Princess because she was a precious child for Mehreen’s parents and my parents.Sometimes Mehreen got scared of having everything she wished for because she was scared of her future, Mehreen frequently asked me if all this vanished, what would we do? And my answer remained same. “Don’t worry, everything is fine by Allah’s grace, everything will be fine in future too.”That night when she asked me the same question and I said to trust in herself, trust me and Almighty Allah.I stood and walked towards kitchen to drink water. While I was drinking the glass of water, my phone rang Mehreen came out of the room towards kitchen to hand me my cell phone. It was Zain’s call-My cousin brother.“Salaam” Zain said anxiously. He paused for 2 seconds and said, “Burhan… can you come to the hospital, Al-sehat hospital?”

My heart beats got faster and I had no idea that was coming. I replied in a hurry “What happened Zain? What is it?”

“Brother please, I need your help. Don’t tell your mother she’ll get anxious” Zain said and drop the call.

“Ya Allah!” I said loud. Mehreen who was looking at my face asked me what happened. I told what Zain said while running towards my bedroom to get my car keys and some cash.Mehreen asked me to take her with me but I refused and said,” No, Henna is sleeping, you look after her and yes don’t let baba, ommi know (my parents who were asleep too).”

She interrupted,”But…”

 I requested her to stay at home wait for my call. I opened the main gate, ran to my car and rushed to the hospital. Reaching near to the Hospital I saw I Big crowd of Ambulance and people. I got scared and prayed Allah to have mercy upon us.I parked my car carelessly and ran into the hospital.

I took out my phone from my pocket to ask Zain where he was but suddenly someone tapped my back, I turned around and it was Zain covered with blood. My eye got bigger in shock and I panicked, “Ya Allah! Zain what happened? Are you Okay?”

He burst into tears and said, ”I don’t know I was in the neighbourhood with my friends, I heard an explosion, We ran towards the explosion… The front part of the building was totally wrecked, there was smoke everywhere. I screamed out for mama papa and ran up stairs they were injured, I called out for Manal but she din’t answer. People behind me helped me to carry mama, papa but then I tell them to take them down stairs while I searched for Manal.” He stopped, he couldn’t speak anymore… he was crying so much.

“Zain! What happened? Where’s Manal?” I shouted.

“Manaal….” He couldn’t talk properly.There was a lot of crowd out there. They all were crying, screaming, running here and there … 

“Doctor said … She’s gone. They said she Died… How can she die?? What will I tell mama papa?” , He was shivering while he spoke . "I grabed her… she was in my hands… (raise his hands) She was in my hands" (repeated) breathing once in a minute.

He continued crying. “But she was Fine. She would wake up… But they say she left us…” He was on his knees and was crying too hard. I hugged him tight and burst into tears.

“Ya Allah” I screamed. Zain was nearly fainting I hugged him tighter, pulled him towards me.

“Zain, Ya Rafeeq (my friend), don’t…. Zain … listen up man… Brother… wake up. Wake up! Please Zain… Please..” I called out for help.

“help, Doctor! Doc..” there was a man in hurry he stopped and said I’ll call a doctor for you and he told me to stay strong.I was astonished.

I couldn’t speak for a while but then I called Mehreen and asked, ”Mehreen, are you people fine?”

she politely said,” Yes, we are fine Alhamdolillah (by the grace of our creator), You don’t worry.” 

“Where’s Henna?” I questioned.“She’s fine sleeping.” She answered.

“Mehreen I’m so worried. Please take care of yourself and everyone.”

I requested.
“Burhan what happened?" She asked. 

I couldn't speak a word I just said,"Bomb blast"

"Please take a deep breath, don’t cry. Everything will be fine. You look after Zain."
She replied with trembling voice.

"Manaal is gone ,Mehreen",i cried.

"Allah..... Allah o Akbar!! May Allah mercy upon them." Merheen said.
"Search for Manal’s body For Ghusul (shower) ,tadfeen (funeral).” She Paused for a minute, she was listening to someone at her back. She responded to them and asked me if we can come to the hospital for your help. “Baba wants to come with you, there must be some help needed”
“No, it’s late. I cannot come back to pick baba, tell him I’ll pick him in the morning till then take care of the house and have some rest. I’ve called Amr (my family friend) he’ll be with me. Please tell everyone to stay safe. I’ll call you again soon. Take care my love.” And I hung the phone.I then asked the doctor how Zain was Doctor said he was in a shock, he needs
to rest so We have given him sedative. I then asked him for Manal’s body. He send me with a guy he showed me the faces and had to recognise. I cannot explain how it felt. There were around 50 dead bodies, covered with blood. I wanted to run, wanted to scream “NO, I don’t wanna see anything please spare me… “ but I couldn’t do that. Manal was just 12 years old little girl. She was so dear to her brother and Parents.

I was shivering and could barley walk but I tried. I saw many horrifying dead bodies but then I reached to one, it was a body of 5 years old kid. I glanced on it and closed my eyes and started to cry. The guy who was showing me the bodies pulled me out of the room and made me sit on the stool. He poured some water in a glass from a cooler nearby, gave me the glass and ordered me to drink it. I took 1 sip but couldn’t swallow it … it was like I was asked to swallow a piece of pebble.

He took the glass and sprayed some of the water on my face and told me to take a deep breath.
I spend 3 hours alone, thinking about Manal, and other dead people, relatives of those dead people, people who were in pain, who were injured, who were alone like me … all this made me so hopeless and I begged Allah to support us, have mercy upon us… I saw many people during this time who had tragic stories more than mine. It was really hard to believe.I heard someone called my name, it was Amr. He was in the hospital since 2 hours but he was with Zain and then was busy in helping others. Amr had a strong heart. He could do many unexpected things and he did. When He came he just greeted me and went to recognise Manals body. He tapped my shoulder before leaving to the chilled room. I knew he could do it. After five to ten minutes Amr came out I stared at him he had tears in his eyes. He sat beside me and whipped his tears. "May Allaj mercy upon Us"

Manaal's body was taken out on the strecher and i saw her face which was not same as she had.

"I'll go check zain" Amr said and walked. I stood and checked Zain's parents.They are fine now but sleeping.” nuser told.

“It’s good they are resting." Amr tapped me and said.

"Sadly They have lot more to suffer. I pray they get courage to handle it. Ameen” I said .

“Ameen. Don’t worry my friend. Don’t worry.” Amr said.

We saw Zain was limping towards us. His eyes were swelled, His nose was red and he had heavy voice when he asked us for Manal’s body recognition.“it’s done” Amr answered. “They’ll inform when they are done giving Ghusul (shower to the dead).”

Zain lowered his eyes. There was a complete silence.Suddenly an explosion was heard near the hospital. My heart sunk with the voice of explosion.
    "ALLAH O AKBAR (GOD IS THE GREATEST)"  was heard everywhere after the explosion.
 We ran towards the explosion and saw cars, people and buildings in a horrific condition. We ran to help them. I grabbed 2 children in my arms and ran to save them. I don’t know from where I gathered this much courage and energy but whatever it was it helped save many lives.

News channels said there are continuous explosions heard. I Quickly Called Mehreen but she didn’t answered my call. I assumed they went asleep. At 6 in the morning I messaged her "Salaam,Is everything fine?” but I didn’t get her reply. Signals dies in these kind of situation i asumed. I prayed to God to protect my family. I was about to leave at 8 to my home to pick Baba (my father). At 7:50 I got in the car and drove back to home. The roads are not in a condition to drive on them. I was worried, I was thinking why I didn’t call my home when I heard the news. I should have called them and asked them about the situation near home. I kept praying to God for my Family’s safety.When I reached near my area I was totally shocked to see the whole structure was ruined.As if there was no life living there before. There were buildings last night. What had happened here in few hours. My heartbeats got abnormal. I called Mehreen’s number but she didn’t answer. My anxiety got worse, I Called the landline number but no answer from there too. My feets were shaking and I was so horrified. I called Mehreen’s Father and after to long bells he finally picked the phone.

It was Mehreen.“Burhan its me Mehreen. Im sorry I forgot to tell you that we all shifted to my father’s house. Our location wasn’t safe and some volunteers came to warn us and they helped us to get out of the building. We’re safe. Don’t worry.
Henna is Fine. Ommi and baba is well too. I was so worried about you Burhan. Thank God you are safe. How’s Zain?” she stopped.I controlled myself and answered her with shaky and heavy voice. “Thank God all of you are safe. I’m so sorry… I …” I stopped speaking so I could control myself from crying.

“I know you were busy and tired, I know you Are busy and tired. Don’t worry. We are absolutely fine. Don’t you worry. Baba is ready. Actually baba and my father both are ready. They’re waiting for you to come. Are you coming?”,Mehreen.

“Yes. I am. I was coming to pick him. Zain, his parents they are fine. Manal’s body is ready. Her funeral will be after Duhar prayer. Pay my Salam to all. I’ll be late. I cannot drive my car to these roads.” While talking there was a big sound of explosion. I stopped. I wasn’t sure from where it came. My heart started aching. 
“Mehreen? Are you there?” I asked 

No answer.“Mehreen, can you hear me?”
“Mehreeeen why don’t you reply ..?” this time I shouted my throat out.
The explosion voice came from the east. I ran towards the other destination. I didn’t wanted to accept this. I burst into tears and ran as fast as I could imagine. I screamed “Ya Allah NO, Please Ya Rab (my God)”, I kept running towards mehreen’s Father’s house.

“Ya Allah Help me. Help me. Help me! I have no one else but them. YA Allah please..”
I don’t know how far I ran, I don’t know how fast I ran. I don’t know how a reached there. But when I reached there…. There was nothing… it was like buildings were never built there. I Shouted for help from God. I screamed for Mercy from God…There was no one left alive. I could not think of my life without my Daughter, My wife, my family. I wanted to die with them. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
“Whyyy !!! Why do you have to kill the innocents? Why are you killing our families???? WHY?” I shouted out loud looking to the sky.
I lost my whole family. No one was alive. I lost my 1month old daughter. My beloved wife. My parents. I cannot explain how empty I feel like. 
One question I ask Myself “Why are they killing the innocents, why do they hate humans this much? What is wrong with them? Don’t they have their families? Why killing? Why killing? Why killing?”

This was just a story but the worst is happening in Gaza, Palestine. They lose their familes in a wink of an eye. All their memories vanish just like this. All they get is pain, injuries. Tears. Understand the pain like it is yours. We all have familes and we all fear to lose them. Don’t waste your lives, don’t waste someone else’s life. Save yourself, Save this world. 
Say NO to WAR. Stand with humanity. Raise your voice before it’s too late. Spread this message to All. God will help us do Good to Humans. Help Gaza, help them. They need our support.





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