A Journey from a tom boy to a Girlish Girl

When i was a little girl. I was sweet, calm and innocent (as if it was important to mention... but believe me it is ...). After two evil sisters i came in the world as an angle. It's not self obsession it was a real statement by my (late) mother. I was so a calm kid that my family never wanted to run and stop me for something in the house. And according to my mother sometimes they all used to forget if i existed... Such an angle ... feels proud.

When i grew older i became little stubborn (i guess), i was the dearest child of my parents. Then i got to know a new born baby had arrived whom we'll have to call Brother. He seemed new, zero meter, small... I started loving him ... My love increased for him day by day that it turned into extremism. I used to hug him so tight, i used to play with him, used to kiss him until he starts crying. It was fun.

But the same love was done by my family friends. And This suddenly changed into bullying sort of thing. Few of the male, kido friends started teasing me... I got scared and stopped playing with them. But sadly that was not the end... i was always dragged to the play and was wildly loved by them which included slapping, punching, pinching, poking, and even pulling, pushing... Aaah! it was too annoying. I was not strong enough to fight back and say no to that foolish games. 

When i turned around 10 to 12 , i noticed i'm kind of scared of boys. After a period of time i decided to be like them. I punched them back as they did," yeah u like me *boom* , i like you too dude!"
"hey you trying to make me feel weak.... let's wrestle and find out" It's not i always won... I rarely won any wrestling but I was good in acting like a real man. 

Boys became my buddies and no one bothers me anymore. it was like a gang of boys and me The girl like guy. I was protected by my friends and that was a VIP treatment to me. I felt like a Boss. 

When i entered high school i met girls, real girls... Who acted so Girly. Who walked like girls, who talked like girls, who even laughed like girls :O 
No punching, kicking, slapping.... "what is this world?" There i found a friend like me but not so boyish. I started admitting "what so ever i'm still a girl" I liked the way other girls dressed. I felt little in appropriate to be exactly like them so, i modified myself with a touch of "MYSELF" It took total two years but finally i was transformed into a girlish girl...

My school Buddies made fun of me dressing a little more like other girls but they end up admitting that dresses, jewelries, cosmetics are the world i really belong. Now the question is, How I got to know if girly thing is working is when people started mentioning i looked pretty... "YUCK ! still sounds embarrassing" but people never stop doing that. Now this is self obsession :p 

This is how i'm living happily, with no gender error ...


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