Cell phones.

Cell Phones are one of the necessities in today's world.

A child use it as a toy
An employee use it to pass time
A group of girls use it for photographs
A group of guys use it to go through applications 
All idle people use it to play games and text-ing
it's a calculator,a note book, walk man, camera, weather forecast, a telephone, a television and so on....

In this new world with, wild and crazy generation cell phone's usage has increased immensely. These days it's also used as a paper weight, ignoring instrument, a warning gadget, a distraction machine, a show piece, a dream spoiler and a rapid Pleasant audio maker. "ehemm...! oh Hello my Love, no i wasn't sleeping...." ;)

A world with cell phones and insane love birds carrying about two ,three cell phones.

You want to see an angry person? Let me hear a cell phone go off...
*boom* :p


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