Story : What i thought was not the reality.

After completing college, I was admitted to a well-reputed university for my graduate program. On the very first day of my university, I made many friends. “Azfel” was one of them. 
It was the start of the winter season. My university was so beautiful. Newly constructed hostels, departments, Cafe, a garden with colorful flowers and a fountain, and many things I’ll not able to elaborate on. 
As every young individual out there had plans, so do I. Had planned to study well and enjoy my life to the fullest. After noticing the pretty-looking girls I was sure about the Fun I was going to have there.
I belonged to an upper-middle-class family and was too liberal accordingly. The majority were like me.

I was in the garden hunting for new friends to make. My priority was to become friends with girls. Actually, girls are a good source to make someone famous and wanted. But noticed a bunch of guys looked lively. They were diverting everyone’s attention. Their laughter was enough for me to get impressed and I jump into their group to introduce myself. 

There were five guys. Emran, Maiz, Rohit, and Rohaan were old friends from the same school while Azfel was new to their group. All looked too jolly except Azfel. He looked different. Not sure how to interpret the term ‘Different’. 
They introduced their selves and so do I. While Azfel remained calm. The introduction changed into flaunting and each one of us participated with enthusiasm. But something forced me to think about Azfel because he was never interested in such conversation. He kept silent and listened to each of us. For others, he was a Good Listener. For me he was suspicious.

Within a week we got used to each other’s nature. And Azfel was not so weird anymore because he was the way he looked and I had no problem with him being a little different. But this time I was able to define this term. He was a decent guy. 

You must be thinking why is “My” story about some other guy?
You’ll get to know later… 

Me, and my friends, spent two years together. But our group members decreased from six to four as Emran shifted to Paris for good. And Rohit’s father called him to the USA for further studies.

I met Emma when we were in 2nd year of our Honors. She was in 1st year then. We met on the first day of her university. I introduced her to my group. She liked my company and obviously, I liked hers. Not only I was busy in a relationship but Maiz and Rohaan were engaged with girls too. Azfel was left alone. It was not that Azfel couldn’t find girls, Azfel had a very attractive personality and charming looks but he never wished to make friends with girls. That’s what makes him different from us.
Things were not like before. We rarely met each other and when we do. The common topic was our girlfriends. As usual Azfel’s nature remained calm. He knew everything about our relationships. He never objected but he never changed himself for us. We had this mutual respect for each other.

When we reached our final year of Honors in Journalism we had our practical projects ahead. For the final assignment, our batch was taken to a 5-star hotel for a month to cover stories of famous celebrities who visit there. It was a really exciting task for someone interested in gathering, socializing, reporting, and analyzing information. It surely wasn’t exciting for me. We reached there on the 19th of December in the evening. Only 12 days were left for new years. We were expecting off from 29th of December but weren’t sure. Actually, I was missing my girlfriend Emma who was obviously not with me as she was one year younger.

But Maiz had recently gotten separated from his girlfriend so he looked as focused as Azfel was. Rohaan and I, we were excited about the stay in the 5-star Hotel with our friends. 

That night –after dinner-Rohaan, Azfel, Maiz, and I was reviewing our university life till then. Student-professor relationships, the events and decisions that were made during their first semester, our plans, our arguments, our non-sense jokes, the fights we had, difficulties in romantic relationships, study habits, and depression. “It was the best university life I could ever have” Said Rohaan.

“Indeed” I replied. “We had all the fun.”

Azfel and Maiz smiled. “I wish I never broke up with Sara” Maiz regretted.

“I think it’s good if you weren’t single you would not be able to concentrate on the projects and most importantly if u weren’t single you would miss the golden chance to stare at girls like you did tonight on the dining table,” I said.

*Big laughter*

We spent all night talking, remembering our past and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

In the morning we were all called to the dining area for breakfast. We had breakfast together and our professor executed a lecture on how reporting should be done.

It was a group assignment and each group had three members. Maiz, Azfel, and I-we were together while Rohaan shifted to another group. 

On the first day, each group was asked to capture five photos within the hotel (any kind of picture) and make five different stories to define the picture. It was an easy task, we were asked to submit them the next day. It was quite fun to see everyone rushing to take clear meaningful pictures. We three stood calm and noticed everyone. After a while, Azfel took us to the toilet. “Here is our first story, think about this place,” he said. We were quite sure of Azfel’s decision and we started discussing it. After a long discussion, Maiz finally captures a photo.

The second story was about my passion which was cars. Vehicle visits this hotel. We captured many photographs and planned to choose the best picture when we start plotting our stories.

While capturing the photos we saw the 2012 Gran Turismo MC arrive. We were asked to immediately clear the area and we did as directed. I was curious to know who it was but couldn’t find out.

The next picture was of our rooms. It would be good to write about ourselves. The last story was about us, me and my three friends. The next morning we submitted our group assignments and were given another one. The next assignment was to prepare a Speech for the guests coming the next evening (23rd of December). Our motive was to impress them but not by praising them. The guests were some famous entrepreneurs from the US. We barely knew them.

We planned, argued the whole day, and get over it safely. Our speech was still in progress. Late that night we were with our classmates working on the speeches and even practicing for them. It was a chilling night. We all were at the back of the hotel building. To keep the area warm the place was lightened with flame lamps. We were watching the speeches of other groups when suddenly a girl stood next to Azfel (on the left side of him) to hear the speech. I noticed Azfel looked at her carelessly to see who she was. But then looked at her again, this time he paid attention to her. She smiled at him and whispered something to him. He smiled and replied in the same manner. I was really curious to know what they were talking about. 

At the end of that speech session, I asked Azfel about the conversation with that girl. But his answer didn’t satisfy me. 

After completing our speech the day came for the speech competition and we were in 3rd place. We were given many assignments like it and finally, we reached our final assignment. It was a great day and the most memorable day of my entire life because at the end of my student life, Azfel’s reality was disclosed and it was a big shock for me.

It was our graduation day finally. A very important day for all of us, Azfel and I were too close friends by then. It was because I was finally affected by his personality and realized a man should be decent and polite like Azfel. It was after I broke up with Emma. There were many silly reasons behind it. Actually, such relations are meant to be broken in the end anyway. I realized I was never in love with her. We liked each other. Even our Mutual likeness wasn’t strong enough to be with each other for long.

Talking about Azfel’s nature/ personality, I was moved but in the meantime, I was so curious to know about him, his personality, Reason behind his mysterious nature. What exactly made him like it? Was there a tragic story behind it? He looked depressed sometimes. I have noticed something empty in him. Something weakens him inside. Merely I never got the courage to ask him.
But after so long of gathering the courage in me to ask him these questions I finally decided to ask him all those questions I ever wondered about him.
The day before our graduation day when we last chatted with each other Azfel and I reminded the time we spent together. I wanted to pick out the questions I wanted to ask but I stopped myself and decided to ask them on our big day.

Graduation night; I was with him at our annual dinner. We were so happy but something inside us saddened us. We had our group photos; we had our giggles, laughs, and tears with our buddies. It was a memorable night. I so wanted to tell my friends how much I loved them but it wasn’t possible for any of us there.

Before our big day came to an end; I gathered my courage to tell him how important he had been in my life. He smiled and tapped on my shoulder. “you’ve been my best dude so far”, he paused for a moment and said; “remember you asked me why I was in such a group where everyone was too liberal and free, People who don’t belong to some group don’t usually take chances to get into that group but I was a part of it … you even apologized for saying this to me and was surprised to see I wasn’t mad at you … People who belong to a specific group, they get into it.”
I stared at him in shock wondering how he got to know I was going to ask him about this.
He continued “I would like you to know how I belong to the such group when you don’t think I really do.”
I looked at him waiting for him to look at me but he stared at the floor.
“How pleasant it is, isn’t it”, he said. It was something unexpected.
I was lost in my thoughts but then I replied; “Oh yes it is. It’s a Pleasant night, Windy weather. It’s our graduation night it was supposed to be great.” We Smiled.
Azfel; “I was like every other guy in our university. Who people call liberals.”
I could see tears in his eyes. “Azfel,” I said.
He continued, ”I used to be worse than normal guys I guess. What a criminal mind I got. I played with many people but then I got the taste of my Poison.”
I wasn’t getting anything he said. I was puzzled. “What are you talking about? What is it that you’re trying to tell me?”, I said.
“I had a sister.” He said with a low voice.
“You Had one? “ I Asked.
“Yes,” he said. “She died”
“Oh! I’m so sorry bro” I said in sorrow.
“Actually she committed suicide.” He murmured.
“What?? Why? You never told me you had a sister and…” I stopped. Literally, it was astonishing.
“I was the Damn Cool dude when I was in college. I used to flaunt my father’s wealth. I wasted his money on my dirty hobbies. I was a big flirt and flaunting, flirting, and playing with people’s feelings was my actual hobby. I ruined many lives. My Last Crime was with Samar. A girl from college.”
“What did you do?” I asked with curiosity.
“I met her at my friend’s Birthday party. She was Attractive, bold but simple. I was impressed by her first impression. She was different. Something was different in her. Something made her different from others, I don’t know why. Never figured it out. “ He told.
“ I thought I liked her in the first introductory meeting at that party. Later I realized all I cared about was my hobby ‘blackmailing.’ The very next day I called her to tell her I liked her. She didn’t believe it. I did the stupidest things to prove her and I got successful like always.” Took a deep breath and continued, “After proving my fake love what I faced was rejection. That Girl Samar wasn’t interested in having any type of relationship with me, not because she didn’t Like me but because she never believed in this."
“WOW! That was the most foolish stuff I heard from a modern girl. It was hard to digest. But after convincing her with all that I thought was it, I started blackmailing her with my love for her-which was never a truth-and forced her to be with me. Failing made this a fun game for me and I started planning all day to emotionally blackmail her. Not realizing how she felt, always forced her to leave her comfort zone when she was with me, not realizing I had a sister too.”
“My blackmailing tricks got bigger and worse. That poor girl was pulled into the worst situation but I never realized. ‘Azfel became a big threat to her. She tried everything to make me leave her alone but I showed my power and never stepped back. It wasn’t the first time I was doing this to someone. But this was the last mistake I did.” He whipped his tears.
I wasn’t sure if I was hearing the real story, I never knew about His past. I could never think of this.
“That night I called her I threaten her with my new evil plan, I said I would commit suicide if she didn’t come with me to a late-night party. I hung up my phone and never replied to her calls. I enjoyed my party with my friends not caring how terrifying she must be.
At about 5 in the morning, while returning back home. I checked my phone. I had 52 calls and 137 Messages. I had an evil smile on my face. My plan was successful to disturb her while I was partying. I felt special and loved by her. That was an achievement for a narcist like me. Checking the call logs I noticed there were missed calls from Samar which was highly expected and from my parents which was unusual and surprising. But I paid no attention. Checking my inbox messages brought back my evil smile. Samar’s messages; her last message was ‘what if someone does the same thing to your sister.’ I stopped my car in the middle of the road and read her messages where she mentioned how sick she had gotten after meeting me that day, I made her life hell and she wanted to die because of my blackmailing. She mentioned how torturous my love was. It didn’t help me in any way so I drove my car ahead.
Not all messages were from Samar. There were messages from my parents too but I ignored them. When I reached home I called out for my mother but the maid told me they rushed to the hospital. I ran to the hospital while driving to the hospital I realized I never asked the maid who was sick. When I got there I contacted my parents and then I got to know my sister was in a coma, she committed suicide and the Doctors weren’t sure if she can survive. After an hour she was declared dead and my heartbeats suddenly stopped with Fear of losing my only sister. “
Azfel fell to his knees and cried. His voice was heavy when he said “Some guy like me was blackmailing my sister, she wanted to tell my parents about that boy who ruined her life but that guy was threatening her and also got away from the relationship they had. The last thing my sister could do was commit suicide.”

She left a note for my parents confessing about how helpless she felt when she was with him and couldn't gather the courage to tell them how miserable her life was because of that boy. That note felt like it was Samar's words.

“I killed my Sister. I killed my sister.” He cried out loud.
I hold him tight. I hugged him and said nothing but cried with him. It was enough for me to know why he was so different from everyone. Why he never pulled himself into any kind of sin.
Life gave him a big lesson. The bitterer it was the more it taught him to realize his mistakes and finally chose the right path. That day, I learned one more thing from Azfel: Open your eyes before it’s too late.
I thought Azfel was too simple and boring sometimes for no reason,

even though he was conservative at some point, he was religious and that made him away from the fun world. But ‘what I thought was not the reality’. What he faced was enough for him to change himself completely into a different, decent boy who actually had feelings and respected every individual. 


  1. Incredibly awesome, I got goosebumps and tears in my eyes,

  2. Incredibly awesome, I got goosebumps and tears in my eyes,

  3. Very captivating... Highly enjoyed


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