Annoying Nosy people

These kind of people are normally defined as people who cared about everything on earth and gossips about it with everyone in front of everyone and even inform people who don't event wish to hear it about and then suddenly everything said and heard becomes non of their businesses. They suddenly don't care about anything and are just dragged forcefully to the topic by the one who have been talked about.

How Magical is it... isn't it?

"Our neighbor bought new car, I wonder how did they afford such a big car... who owns it By the way... is it the youngest son or the one who just joined new office? The eldest son had his own car already, who it must be ? Why did they need a new car anyway?"

Family discussion.

person one: "Did you notice the brand new car next door?"
Person two: "Oh! yes its the eldest son's"
person one: "is it so? he already had one isn't it?"
Person two: "Yes but i think he bought new one"
person one: "Who told you? if he had one car already why would he buy a new one?"
person two: "Hmm.. i don't know."
Person one: "yesterday i saw the middle son parking it, why would he park his car?"
(after 2 minutes)
Where do he work? can he really afford two cars? may be he is about to sell his old car....

After 30 minutes of discussion the whole issue changes into  "WHO CARES."

No body even asked to care about the neighbors or their family matter or their income or their plans and wishes or anything you are not supposed to care about in any case. They too don't care about what you think of them or how much time you waste discussing them...

Nosy people annoy everyone by their unwanted questions, quires and their prolonged discussion about anything they shouldn't be caring about. They even SPY on people, either their relatives, neighbors or friends, They can bitch about anything... EVERYTHING.

And after caring too much they really don't care .... isn't it incredible...


  1. Hmmm.. these thingz hv become..a habit nw..dey speak abt otherzz instead of focusing themselvs.. :-/ :-/

  2. Yeah. By the way thanks for reading and commenting


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