Do You trust in God?

"It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts." (Qur'an 22:46)

If you Don't trust in God. If you don't understand how God is present everywhere, how can you believe in your existence as well ? How were you born ? who planned to make you your parent's child ? Who planned to make you face structure ? who planned to make the organs in you? how they work ? you don't even put yourself on charging...

You Just have to open your hearts, think with your brains and you'll get the answers of all your questions.

There is Someone who Is the Actual Creator of this Universe, He created Sun, moon, stars, desserts, seas, oceans, sky, plants, animals, spirit (jin), human and things we are still not aware of. Yes, it is the truth. He have taught Us how and why he has created us and everything in the universe. 

Every day, every minute, every second he gives the signs of his existence. Sun rise, sun set, rain fall, snow fall everything is the proof of his existence. His signs are not only limited to moon, sun, earth etc. He can even show His signs while you are sitting in solitude in your dark room. If you still deny his existence just think for a while if just for a single day can you

rise the sun 3 hourse before the actual time? Guess what he can do it. It's Allah's mercy on you that He does not show you a Miracle for proof of His existence because after that Miracle all those who turn away are destroyed..

It's realy easy to deny the reality, but actually really dangerous. People who thinks rejecting the fact can make them cool and smart they are actually wrong. Death will be the final Sign for those in denial and here after.

Acceptance is the answer of your questions. Take first step in which you'll have to be strong enough to accept the facts and reality second step will be showed automatically by the All mighty God. It's just a matter of realisation. 

THINK wisely then ask yourself. Do you trust in God?


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