Unexpected Ever After Chapter # 6

Chapter # 6 Courtship

Hana phoned to remind me that she had a doctor's appointment the next day. I asked if she wanted to go shopping later. She agreed and stated that she has to speak with me about something serious.


I picked her up from her location the next day in the late afternoon. We didn't say anything in the vehicle.


After reaching the hospital, I sat in the waiting area that was far yet facing the reception. While Hana was receiving her number token. She took a step back and glanced around for a while. She dug into her purse for her cell phone and looked around again, till her gaze caught mine. She grinned with relief.


While sitting idol, my phone rang. I reached out for my phone to see Hana's message flashed on the screen. She stated how confused she was due to the fact she had never done anything on her own. I did not have any idea, so I apologized and vowed to assist her the next time. I doubted how someone could be so dependable.


Later, we went shopping at the mall, and I was confused by Hana's difficulty to make up her mind about anything. I went to the cookware aisle while she was browsing for a dining set. I chose a few additional items to add to the cart. She was terrified. It was weird to see an adult like this. Why was she so concerned about losing sight? She couldn't choose anything on her own. I had no idea what was bothering her. I made the decision to find out whether she truly is as worried as I thought she was.


 I took a step back and watched her walk down the other aisle. I moved softly to the other aisle and waited for her to begin the search. Within a couple of minutes, her eyes began to search for me. I hid myself to observe her response, and she panicked yet again.


I approached her and clutched her shoulders from behind; she was pale.


 "Relax! "I'm here," I chuckled. Her body language indicated her uneasiness.


"Would you mind staying close to me?" She shuddered.


"Umm... no, but why all the anxiety?" I inquired.


"I don't know, I get nervous by myself."


I apologized and said, "I didn't intend to trouble you."


 If a girl couldn't live alone at a mall, how is she supposed to do it in an apartment? I was baffled. I asked her about her anxiousness as we ate lunch.


"I wasn't like this before, but after the incident, I feel suffocated when I'm alone." I feel the buildings will fall again, leaving me alone."


"Hana, can you live in your apartment on your own?" I inquired. "I'll have to do it sooner or later." "I'll figure it out." She stated. "Why do you want to run away, Hana?" I stared her in the eyes to find answers.


"Aunt Mary said something inappropriate to me the other day." She admitted it. "I believe she can no longer keep me there."


"What exactly did she say?"


 "I can't tell you because I don't want her to know I told you. I guess I'm overthinking things. This is something I should not have spoken." She spoke in hushed tones.


 "Hana, why, don't you trust me?" I inquired.


She kept fidgeting with her hands"I assume she can no longer keep me in her house."


"What makes you say that, Hana? She’s always mentioned your presence as a blessing.” I was surprised.


 "I just can't process," she said.


 "What did Mother Mary say to you?" I repeated.


"She said I should find a partner." I gazed at her movements keenly.


"So, it meant she doesn't want you in her house anymore."


She kept stealing her eyes from me. "I guess."


 "That’s why you are eager to shift to that apartment. How will you live there alone Hana?" I questioned.


She sighed. "I'll figure it out"


 "What are you afraid of? Everybody needs a family. Finding one means moving on and leaving the past behind. Don’t you want to move on?"


"I'm not comfortable talking about all this." She answered.


"Whenever you feel like sharing it let me know. I'm always here for you, Hana. " I exclaimed.


She definitely skipped a few parts of the story. She didn't want to tell what Mother Mary actually said to her. I don't know what was stopping her. Why she doesn't want to consider me as her partner? Maybe I'll never be as good enough. Maybe she still hasn't moved on. My heart aches for her love. I tried to cheer her up.


“Hana, you know what. No one can force you for anything.” I assured. “If you want, I can talk to Mother Marry and she won't say it again.”


She smiled, “Thank you Aariz. But not need to talk to her. It’s fine.”


Maybe she wanted some time to think about this matter once she moves to her apartment. I’m okay with that. I can wait.


Meanwhile, she stood, grabbed her phone, and asked me if we can walk. I agreed and left the table. She saw a wristwatch on a display and she excused me and went into the shop.


Meantime I thought of buying her something so I looked for a perfume shop. I hurried because I knew she will panic if she didn't see me around. I ran immediately after I bought the fragrance and Hana was exiting the shop as well.


 I went close to her to Give her the bag of perfume. I noticed the surprised expression on her face, "This is for a friend whom I promised to stay by her side no matter what it takes."


 She blushed and presented me with a bag and told me," This is for a friend to tell him how supportive he had been and I trust you more than anything." We giggled and accepted the gift. Way back home I had mixed feelings. I felt happy to be so close to Hana on the other hand I felt like just a friend for her.


After a week she was shifted to her new apartment. I helped her in setting her apartment. 


At dinnertime, Uncle and Aunt Mary were supposed to show up. I informed Hana that I would bring some food for supper once we finished the arrangement. Hana reached as I was approaching the gate with my keys and said, "Can I join you?"


Just 30 minutes will be required for selecting a meal. Mother Marry will have to wait until we return if we both leave and she shows up while we aren't there.


“We’ll come before they arrive, don’t leave me behind. I’m scared.” She requested.


Quite a shock. "Are you kidding? I'm just going to pick the food we ordered for dinner." I said while I opened the gate.


"Can I go with you?"


You can, but why can't you just remain by yourself?


"I'm not sure," She replied formally.


I said, "Hana," while staring at her in shock.


She glanced at me before averting her gaze. I simply have no explanation.


I walked over to her and said, "Hana, look at me." How will you survive in this place alone if you can't let me go for a while, I said nicely.


"I'll get used to it but since it's all new for me I can't stay here alone." She muttered.


"What if you didn't get used to it? What will you do?" I asked. 


She hesitantly replied," I will, maybe."


I couldn't handle it anymore. Why isn't she willing to confess it? "Why are you doing this to yourself, Hana?" I was irritated. I slammed the door shut as she gazed in horror.


"I... I meant I will not feel the same once I'm used to... "


I cried, "And when will that happen, Hana."


"I'm not sure," She whispered.


"Hana, you are harming yourself only because Mother Mary demanded you to find a companion. Why? Why won't you move on? I battled my rage.


She wanted to say something but was embarrassed.


"Look at me, Hana. I'm asking you something."


"Aariz," she mumbled as she raised her eyes to gaze at me. "I have, but.."


"Why are you so embarrassed to tell me everything, Hana?" Isn't it true that Mother requested you to consider me as your partner? "


She was stunned, then she bent her head once again.


"Why can't you tell me that?" Look, you have issues being talked about us. but why you are being unjust to yourself? Do you realize how well I know you? You're definitely terrified of living alone in this place."


I could see tears welling up in her eyes. I took a step forward to seize her shoulders.


"Hana it's fine if you don't want me as your partner. I respect your decision. You could have told me. I will never force you on anything."


She gazed at me in amazement, "You.. you don't have a problem with it?" She stammered. "I thought you'll run away if anyone talked about this. I mean, I know how difficult it is to get over our past."


"What," I said in astonishment. "Why will I run away" I paused for a second, "Hana, from all those times we spent together, all those moments we shared our heart if you still need to know how I felt about it.” I tilted my head to look into her eyes. I want you to know, it felt great, I felt healed. Do you know why? Because I started having feelings for you."


Our eyes locked the gaze, " I was afraid to tell you how much I love you, Hana. I respect your past but I can't express how much I need you; I want you and to be with you for the rest of my life.


"You do?" She asked thoughtfully. “I thought..." Tears ran down her cheeks. I wiped off her tears.


"All this time you thought I'll not like the idea and flee?" I smirked.


She dropped her gaze.


"Hana, I'm so glad to know you've actually moved on. I just want you to be the happiest, and I can do anything to see the smile on your face." I tilt my head again to grab her attention. "Hana, may I ask you something?


She hesitantly replied with a 'hmm' 


"Was it the only reason you were trying to get away from me?"


She burst into tears, "Yes." She bore her face in her hands. "I thought It will be selfish of me not to respect your will. I thought u had all rights to choose your partner and Mother Mary shouldn't talk to you about us. I tried hard to stay away from you but you've become the most important part of my life, Aariz." She sniffed, "I thought if I agree Mother Mary will not like it either. I can't leave their hearts broken."


I wished I could hug her tight but I stepped back and grabbed her hand. I waited for eye contact, "Let's get our dinner, Hana" I when she finally looked into my eyes.


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