Unexpected ever after Chapter #2

 Chapter #2 How I Met Maria.

Maria was my batchmate in college. She was an absolute tomboy in female skin. And I’ve always been an introvert. I’d rather use sign language than speak actual words. I was also choosy in making friends. And I think it is a sensible thing. I only had a few friends in college and none of them were girls. I had this strange feeling for girls. I always respected them but never felt like making them friends. Many guys were popular for having lots of female friends but I never felt the need of doing that too. My friends thought I was shy. I was never shy. They used to call me “shy-Shang”. I never minded that pet name; it was quite cool.

Additionally, I’ve been a quite good-looking boy in my school. I was a topper too. I was so focused on my studies that I never wasted my time on dating and partying. I grew into an even gentleman in college.  I belonged to a very noble and well-off family. Both my parents were doctors and we had a very stable family background. I had four siblings; I was the youngest. My eldest brother was a businessman. My three sisters were married.

Succeeding in my college I got admitted to one of the top universities. Amazingly, Maria got admitted to the same university. We were doing Bachelors in Architecture. There used to be a girl Simrah in the senior section. She was very popular for being beautiful and arrogant at the same time. She had all the attention of boys. She was the social butterfly at our university. Maria and I, despite being classmates never talked to each other.

Astonishingly Simrah was interested in me. She once asked me out. To which I decently refused. Had no idea she would feel so bad about it that she’ll start calling me names. Her male friends approached me to inform me how involved she is but it didn’t change my decision. Simrah belonged to a very rich family. She was the only child and quite a spoilt one. On the other hand, Maria was the only child of her parents too. Simrah wasted her final year after me. She tried talking to me. She even blocked my way multiple times. But I kept calm and easy and politely used to take her off my way. I never fell for her because in my opinion girls shouldn’t be so bold.

One fine day when Simrah and Maria argued. Maria’s dominance and confidence took my heed. I never knew this girl’s potential. We were having lunch in the cafeteria. I was having a conversation with my friend Izhan. Maria had a bet with her friends to ask for my number to which she agreed and came to me. I stared at her in disbelief. Was she talking to me? Why? We never talked in school either. She cleared herself out that it was just a task to achieve and she meant no harm to me. She added that if I was not comfortable, I can let her know.

“Just a task”. I said to myself. Simrah came out of nowhere and asked Maria what was her problem. It was that moment when the argument began. The fight was initially between both girls. However, gradually it turned into making me decisive. I instantly backed off and Maria took over the situation by making a point.

Even though I never welcomed Simrah’s proposal but she’d always been nosy about my matters. She clearly had issues with anyone and everyone who tried to communicate with me. I was aware of the girls who tried to approach me but Simrah never let it happen. Well, I didn’t mind until now. Maria made her point clear that being classmates we can talk to each other, I had to admit the fact. This made Simrah furious and she lost her mind.

I being an introvert just watched them argue. Taking part in the dispute made no sense to me. But it was quite impressive to see how Maria made rational points confidently. Simrah desperately wanted my opinion on that despite that Maria told her to keep the argument between them and not to involve me as I was never bound to answer any of her queries. Simrah, being an arrogant, self-centered individual started to yell at Maria. The next moment she pushed Maria, I had to bring this to an end and I stood and firmly told them to stop it right away. Simrah’s classmates stepped in to take her away. While Maria stood calm and confident watching them. Maria turned over and asked,” So, are you giving me your number of letting me lose the task?”

I chuckled in surprise and gazed at her. I was fascinated by the attitude of this girl. I instantly gave her my number. She obediently noted it down and immediately turned to her friends. I stared at her in disbelief. After a minute she returned to say thanks with a refreshing smile on her face.

“you’re welcome”, I muttered.

This event was entirely something very new for me. I actually started thinking about Maria. Before that, she was nothing more than a classmate. The next few weeks were really difficult for me. I failed to get over that confident girl.

I couldn’t help myself from peeping. I never knew her personality was that attractive. It took me so long but eventually; I took the initiative to talk to her. She was stepping on her bus when I approached her and broke the ice.

“So, you didn’t check if the number was authentic?”, I asked her. She wasn’t expecting me which Left her startled. “Oh, you scared me”, she muttered. “Well, actually no, everyone believed the word of mouth. Thanks to Simrah for making, it even more real.” She tittered.

“I thought I should be expecting a call from you” I murmured.

“Were you?” she asked in astonishment.

“Kind of...” I replied hesitantly.

She glanced at me in surprise. The bus started to move and our conversation concluded right there. I thought that was enough to make her call me. Sadly, she didn’t.

After a week, in the class, Maria came to me and greeted me, “Hie.” That pleasant smile on her face was adorable. 

“Oh, Hie. How are you?” I replied wondering if she really wants to talk to me.

“I’m good, should I ask you too?” Maria said.

I smiled, “Absolutely no need of it, I’m fine that’s why standing here in front of you smiling.”

We giggled and made eye contact for the first time which lasted for not more than five seconds, but it was enough to cause my heart beat stronger and faster. “Actually, I wrote your number on my hand that day. It’s long washed. So, I don’t have your number anymore.”, She muttered.

This sounded so comforting to me. It was understandable why she didn’t call. I hesitantly asked if I can have her number so I can make her a call. To which she blushed, “I never knew this side of you.”, and narrated her contact number.

I had butterflies in my stomach. Wasn’t sure if it was infatuation or just my first time. Back home I was so confused to make a decision of calling her today or wait for a solid reason to call. The piece of paper was like a love note to me I stared at it the whole day wondering if she was feeling the same about me.

Strangely, I did notice the change in her appearance. This forced me to think if she was going through the same situation as I am. Had she always been like this and I’d never noticed her before? I was losing control over my thoughts and emotions. “I wasn’t like this ever before, what an emotional fool I’m being,” I said to myself. Obsession and infatuation were never in my dictionary. I had no idea where was it heading. I never pictured myself falling for any girl. I kept thinking of a reason to make a call but completely failed.

Ultimately, I had to call her. My nervousness got worse within seconds and I had to hang up. I could hear my palpitation. It was like a punch in the chest, wiping out all the other feelings. I felt funny and embarrassed at the same time. “what’s happening to me” I muttered. I’ve never been in this kind of situation till now. I wondered if her feelings are alike.

“Oh, I’m overthinking.” I said to myself, “Well, I’ve never noticed her before. I haven’t noticed any girl before. Actually, it isn’t true, I have. Simrah.” I thought to myself.

“She is pretty but has never been attracted to her.” These thoughts were taking over my mind and suddenly my phone rang. My heart skipped a beat and I peeked at my phone’s screen. I sank into the chair and sighed with relief; it was Izhan.

“Hey! Where have you been?” Izhan shouted.

“What do you mean?” I was confused.

“Dude, I have been calling you for hours” he replied irritably.

I was shocked to hear that. Because I didn’t observe any calls.

“Anyways, I wanted to inform you something about Simrah,” He said.

Out of curiosity I instantly asked, “What about her?”

Instead of answering to my question he jumped straight to a conclusion and said that he knew something was up with me. “You are acting so weird the past few weeks.” He paused for a second and ask if I was still there.

“Such an idiot you are,” I replied. Izhan was clueless, “What did I do?’

“Where does Simrah come from, dude it’s Maria,” I said in a low voice.

I continued,” I don’t know why I’m feeling this way. I mean, I am unable to understand what’s happening to me. That girl is taking over my mind. I can’t stop thinking about her, I’m helpless. I want to talk to her but I can’t make a call to her thinking about what she’ll think about me. I was never into girls.”

“Hold it, hold it, hold it. Relax, Aariz.” Izhan laughed. “Is it really you?”

“Shut up! Stop teasing me, help me. What do I do? “I interrupted

“Call her, simple!” Izhan replied confidently.

“I called her, and guess what I didn’t have the confidence to talk to her not even the slightest. Hope it doesn’t sound creepy because I know I’m being one. She barely knows me, dude.” I spoke.

“Relax Aariz”, he repeated. “I still can’t believe I’m hearing this from you, Aariz.” He giggled. “It’s my duty to pull your leg nevertheless it’s also my duty to suggest you something, don’t worry.” He comforted me. In addition, He asked a few questions to know what I actually wanted.

As a result, he suggested I should call her up right away because she showed interest in talking to you. “A girl would rather lose a task than ask a creep for his number.” He mocked.

“Hey! I’m not a creep” I said in a displeasing way.

“Exactly my point. You are as respectful as you think you are. The only thing which can bother a girl is you not being attracted to her.” Izhan mentioned.

“That’s crazy” I tittered.

“My friend, girls can’t stand a Shy-Shang when he’s handsome, intelligent, and rich.”

“So, should I call her without waiting for a reason?” I asked.

“of course. Go ahead. In fact, tell her how you feel about her.” He encouraged.

After hanging up. I got up to prepare myself for that phone call. “there’s no harm in asking her to be my friend. A respectable Acquaintance may be.” I said to myself and finally called her.

My heart was throbbing when I hear the dial tone. A click and Maria answered the call, “Hello”

Sweating forehead, butterflies in the stomach, dry mouth, and squeaky voice, “Hi, Aariz Speaking.”

“Oh, hie. So, you called earlier too”, she said, immediately. “Actually, I wasn’t around, I thought it was you.”

With a sigh of relief, I responded, " Nah!” So, she isn’t sure it was really me. Our conversation continued and went quite well.

Days went by and we became good friends. It was our last year of university and I never get a chance to tell her how I felt for her. Our families became familiar too. No one ever sensed I was attracted to her since we always met like good friends. She was quite boyish too.

It was the 3rd day of our student week. I asked her out to a football match. Not once we met each other out of the university premises. So, I was hesitant to invite her to the match, fortunately, she jumped at the opportunity. Once we found our seats and started cheering, to our surprise we both supported the same teams since the other team was a rival. We chanted together when our teams scored.

“I’m impressed,” I said to Maria.

Maria smiled and said, “So, what are your plans?”

“Plans?” I asked.

“This is our last year. What are your plans” Maria

“I’m already doing my internship, and will soon get a job,” I replied leaning toward her.

She gave me a stare and said,” Why are you in a hurry to reach your milestones? Stop running. You are already doing great. Enjoy your life.” She spoke.

It was very noisy in the stadium. “I want to enjoy my life that’s why I’m in a hurry. I want to enjoy my life with you.”

She gazed at me in astonishment.

“Can we step out for a while?” I asked. She agreed.

I was sure this is the day I’ll ask her out.

 In the corridor, I stopped,” it’s better here I guess.” 

She looked around and nodded.

 “Maria, I tried billions of times all these years but I was all shy now I don’t know how I dare to tell you that you are the first girl in my life, probably the last one.” I paused to notice Maria actually was blushing, “I’ve never seen you blush like this before.”

She smiled and said, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this Shy-Shang. At last, you spoke.”

“So, now I think I know your answer.” I smiled.

She seemed a bit nervous, I stared at her to observe how frequently she was blinking her eyes and rarely making eye contact. She was rubbing her hands in nervousness. I grabbed her hands and asked, “Maria, Will you be mine? Do you love me?” I knew her answer but to see her in this state was entertaining.

“Don’t do this to me. Let me digest it first.” She uttered.

I stood holding her hands and gazing at her. She confessed that it was a dream come true. “After all these years, today is the day I got to know you are not Shy-Shang.”

I leaned in, and Maria's heart raced as our lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was Our first romantic encounter, but it wouldn't be our last. As we walked out of the stadium hand-in-hand, we both knew that something special had just begun.

Chapter # 3 : https://sundusharoon.blogspot.com/2023/07/unexpected-ever-after-chapter-3.html


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