Unexpected Ever after chapter # 4

 Chapter # 4 Resumption

After a week, Reda and I went to see Hana together on the weekend. She was having her breakfast.

She was unbothered by our presence. She did appear frail and tired. The porridge was being served to her by the nurse.

Read cleared his throat to inquire about her health. She was silent throughout. She signed her response without looking at us when the nurse appealed to her. "Do you remember us, Sister Hana? We are related to Mehmet."

"Do you remember Aariz?  Your next-door neighbor. Maria's husband and....." She looked stunned and interrupted Reda before he could finish his sentence.,” Aariz!”

Her teary-hazel eyes locked with mine. She then looked at Reda, and her eyes returned to me. I stood and approached her, greeting her as I went.

The nurse anticipated that Hana would learn about her family today. She tried to give her a few more scoops, but we all knew she wasn't going to. Reda motioned to the nurse, and they both exited the room, leaving me and Hana behind.

“Aariz, no one is telling me where my family is.” She stammered.

I could feel the frustration in her voice but I found it very difficult to break the news instantly.” How are you doing, Hana?” I asked with a pale smile.

As expected, she broke into tears and hollered in the complaint, “Why don’t you tell me about my family? Why is anyone finding them? They never visited me. The nurse said Mehmet came to see me when I was in a coma. What kind of a husband is he? Help me, Aariz. My kids need me, they are not letting my family meet me.”


I placed my attention on her. I wanted her to spit everything she wanted. I sat quietly on the chair beside her bed when she spotted me. I couldn't keep my tears from falling. I quickly brushed away my tears.

“Mehmet is a good husband, but I want to see my children. Why did he vanish with my kids? What did I do?” Hana sniffed and wiped off her tears carelessly. “Maria… she knew I don’t have anyone else in this world. She didn’t even bother to visit me.”

She fixed her gaze on me, waiting for my response. I dropped my look since I had no clue how I was going to tell her. halted for a little moment “Maria is no more.” I murmured.

Hana’s expression swapped from blubbering to dumbstruck. She heard it clearly but was still unsure, "What did you say?" This time, I looked her in the eyes without fear and informed her she had heard what she had heard.

Her Hazel eyes were surrounded by a puddle of tears, which were flowing down her red cheeks. That pitiful expression she had as she hiccupped uncontrollably Her dark brown brow furrowed and drew closer. She cried hysterically.

I continued because there was still a part for her to know,” The plane crashed into our neighborhood., destroying everything in just a snap of a finger. The houses were down. Maria and Alara, both died. I was rescued after a day.”

She looked surprised since she heard it for the first time. "Mehmet never visited me with the girls all these days, means they never made it either?" she shuddered visibly as she said.

I nodded in affirmation.

Her wailing became louder. As she began to smash her face with regression, I had to grasp her hand as I had no other option and we both wept for quite some time.” Why?" she chanted.

Never noticed that the visiting hours were already up. The nurse came to calm her down. While I went outside the room. Reda noticed my swollen eyes and hugged me tight. “stay strong.” He quivered. I informed him about Hana’s condition, and Reda suggested I stay with her this night. I was a bit hesitant but maybe it was necessary. As I entered back the room the nurse told me she has given sedatives to calm her down a bit. She also mentioned that she has seen Hana open up for the very first time, and she instructed me to keep a check on her. And if her condition worsens do give us a bell. All this time she was keeping her emotions to herself and she never pours her heart like this before. I stayed with her that night. She cried and blubbered all night. Even with those sedatives she barely slept. I sat beside her and kept telling her to calm down. “I’m all alone.” She cried.

“I’m here with you,” I replied.

“Where will I go, I have no one to call mine.”

“I’ll sort everything out, trust me,” I told her, but She grimaced and yanked her hand away from my hold. "You don't understand." She cried.

"I’m here to help. I can feel your pain. Please don’t do this to yourself.” I said.

I stayed up all night talking to her. I kept soothing her. I consoled her by saying things I didn't really mean. I even expressed my emotions and informed her that I had restrained them. I assured her that she is not alone in this phase.

She constantly complained about her loss that night, asking how she could live alone. How will she get over with only her memories? I held her hand, ignored everything else, and told her to go to sleep. I had no clue when I went to sleep.

She had gotten up early. She looked at me with swelled eyes. She wanted some fresh air, so I flung open the windows and advised her to be patient because that was all we had left. I told her how well I understand her situation and how I, too, am experiencing a breakdown. That day, we talked a lot about ourselves.

 That day, we had a very long conversation. I persuaded her to promise me to let go everything and move on bit by bit. She had a million questions, and I told her she could count on me to answer them all... She kept asking where she would live after she gets discharged. Well, it wasn't a big deal for me as I knew I had quite enough in my account to manage all. I smiled and told her to believe in God and stop worrying about it. As I was leaving in the evening I told her I’d been visiting her but she was never awake. She told she will be awake from now on. I knew she said this out of respect. That's the only relationship we had between us.


Maria's mother and Reda paid her a visit the next day. And in the evening, I paid her a visit. I decided to buy her flowers just to make her feel different. Calendula flowers with orchid flowers and one sunflower in the center. It appeared to be vibrant and lively. I had no clue she'd be so pleased. In fact, I anticipated her to be horrified by my choice, but her reaction was the exact reverse.

"Do you like flowers?”, I asked. "I like anything and everything someone buys for me with a positive attitude." She spoke. "They are refreshing.", She added with a pleasant smile.


I thought it was pretty philosophical. Maria's mother (Mary) had brought a fruit basket, that she enjoyed as well. She stated that she is always on the crave for good people. She stated that she only had her husband to care for and had never known what it was like to have a loving family. She break down in tears of gratitude, which made me feel awkward.

After two weeks the day came when Hana was discharged from the hospital. Mother Mary accompany me to pick her up from the hospital. She insisted on Hana staying with them so I had to move to another place. 

Every day we had dinner together with Maria's parents.We used to have conversations but Hana rarely participated. She always made herself busy with in-house chores. Aunt Marry always tried to drag her from the kitchen to sit and talk with us but she always felt lost in her thoughts. I could feel her loneliness. I have been in this situation.

One night after dinner Hana requested me to check on the apartment provided by the government to the victim. I was shocked to hear that from her. She explained she can't live with Maria's parents for the rest of her life. That made sense. We went to take the information and the procedure was Lengthy and time-consuming. I tried to explain to Hana but she stayed persistent.


When we came to a stop, I asked her if there was any problem between Maria's parents and her. She remained silent and said nothing at all. Since Maria's parents were kind, I can't anticipate anything unwelcoming. Mother Mary actually wanted Hana to live in their home so they could feel their daughter was back home.


I confronted her. She was crying. Her eyes sparkled and her nose got red. I miss Mehmet. She grumbled.

Fair enough. But voicing it to me surprised me. It was my duty to establish her trust so that she would open up to me about everything. "I'm sure you do." with a sorrowful look.

"I constantly advised Mehmet that he should not terminate his life when I die. I've trained my girls to be self-sufficient when I'm not around. It was a huge accomplishment for me. They were emotionally strong. I constantly make an effort to boost their sense of self-worth. because I had no idea I might lose both of my parents unexpectedly. It took a long time for me to get over my loss. I always wished they had given me emotional strength and stability.

My girls used to ask how they should respond in certain scenarios when they found themselves alone. That would make me happy for my children. What practical kids I was raising. I had no idea I was the least powerful member of the family. Neither did I consider another major loss that I would have to deal with.

The pain in her voice was devastating. I tapped her shoulder. " You are strong. Only a strong person would dare to express his feelings."

We fixed our gaze. "The same applies to me. I never in a million years imagined losing my child again. I also lost my partner this time."

"I'm sorry" she almost whispered.


I hope I could help her in some way. Let's have some ice cream, I thought. I stepped out of the car and ordered two double scoops of butterscotch ice cream topped with marshmallows. I knocked on the window and motioned Hana to get out of the car. We were sitting on the bench when she inquired how I knew she liked butterscotch. “I like this flavor I thought you'll like it too. "


"Thank you Aariz." When a series of fireworks flashed, making the sky sparkle.



A man with a golden heart. He could never refuse anyone. When someone in his extended family seeks his assistance, he makes every possible effort to help them. But he never had a considerate wife. He is never appreciated by her.

After 25 years with that man, his wife left him for another man. She gave up her two boys to be with someone else. The man spends 5 years of his life raising his boys and has no intention of marrying again. He had always felt lonely. His boys were raised with strict norms and morals.

His father saw his boys marry decent ladies. He died after a week, leaving behind a letter. It was a pleasure having you both in my life. I gave you everything I had, and that was more than enough. I'd like you to know that I'll die happily. Giving is as joyful as breathing in pure heaven air.

It was three o'clock in the morning when I awoke from such a dream. I could only recall Hana's eyes full of tears. What can I do to persuade her to resume her life? I wanted to check on her, but she didn't have her cell phone. At this hour, dialing a landline was out of the question.

I purchased her a new phone later that evening. I didn't want Maria's parents to find out. I told her that a few verifications were required before proceeding with the housing procedure. She agreed immediately away to accompany me.

While in the car I asked Hana if she was fine.

"Yes" "Can you tell me when your doctor's appointment is?" I was curious.

"It'll be next month." Aunt Mary will be taking me to the doctor." She said.

"I'll take you. "Aunt Mary is already very busy," I said.

"But she said you'll be busy at work, so she'll take me." She brought it up.

"I'll be working from home on a project by next month." I lied.

"Oh. I'll notify her. Aunt Mary is just as kind and compassionate as Maria." She stated.

"What brought you to tears last night, Hana?" I inquired.

She ignored my query. "Where are we going?"

I parked the car in the parking area and confessed to her that I had lied.

“Can we eat dinner?"

She was unsure. “But Aunt Mary made dinner for us at home."

"I'll take care of it. Will you be comfortable eating dinner with me?"

"I'm not dressed for a formal dinner may be." She stammered.

"You look great," I said as I stepped out of the car. She followed me. We sat on the rooftop in the faint light. It was a very nice restaurant. I could see Hana was

uncomfortable with her clothing. But I ignored and handed the box to her. She was baffled and inquired what it was.

Nothing special, I said carelessly. I need to contact you for doctor's visits and other matters. She gladly accepted. 

Here's the card. Tomorrow, I'll take you to the mall and get you everything you need 

Tomorrow, I'll take you to the mall and get you everything you need  According to officials, I'll soon be able to retrieve my belongings from the ruins."

"When?" I inquired.

"Oh, they said, soon."

I interrupted her and informed her that I was hungry and that we should eat something. She appeared puzzled today. She never once looked at me. And I couldn't take my gaze away from her.

Hazel eyes and silky brown hair pulled back in a loose bun. A broad forehead. Her beauty was enhanced by freckles around her nose, a tiny nose, and a bunny face cut. Lips that are blood red. She was fascinating. I had never noticed her before. Her face still had a few bruises. Her slender, delicate fingers held the fork casually. Her elbows rested on the table, while her other hand's fingers held a sophisticatedly folded tissue. Her pink fingertips brushed nervously against the tissue. I couldn't say anything.

I couldn't stop staring at her but really cannot say anything. I never wanted to miss an opportunity to gaze at her beauty and treasure it in my heart forever.

She took sips of water while delicately chewing her food. yet she didn't dare to glance at me. I guess she felt the attention and was nervous about making eye contact.

After dinner, I inquired if she wanted anything specific in the desert. She shook her head and said she wasn't going to eat dessert. I went with a S'mores tart and an eggless coffee cake. She said she didn't want dessert, but I insisted she tastes it anyhow.

Returning back home, total silence haunted me for an uneasy night. I stayed up all night thinking about Hana. Hana's picture would not leave my mind. I interpreted the dream I experienced the night before as a suggestion of the kind of sacrifice required to live in peace. Yet I questioned my thoughts and emotions. It was not a sacrifice, but rather a tremendous attachment that developed inside me for her. Hana was in my thoughts constantly.


I drove off Hana and Mother Mary to the mall the next day. Maybe Hana didn't want to see me alone, so she brought Mary with her; I sat in the car, wondering why I was pulled to her. 

Once at home, Mother Mary informed me that Hana made no purchases. " I had to push her to pick a few basic items," she added.

"Aunt Mary, I don't need anything. I have all I require."

Hana was staring at me as I stole a glance in the rearview mirror. She immediately dropped her gaze. My emotions pounded out of my chest. I couldn't stop this odd feeling I was developing for her. During my time caring for her, I felt very fulfilled.

I wanted to articulate the feelings that were growing inside of me. On the other hand, I was aware that this may frighten her off.

Even to this day, whenever I spoke to her about my anguish, she understood and cared for me. Because I enjoyed her company, I hoped she would like mine as well. And this urge was becoming unbearable. I became obsessed with her. Despite knowing her history I wanted to make her mine.

As I arrived at my office, I contacted her to see how she was doing. "Why are you doing this, Aariz?" she asked.

I was aware of what she was pointing out, but I inquired as to what she was addressing. She did not attempt to explain herself and simply stated that she was fine.



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