Raise your voice? Sorry, ear plugs on...

Since a friend asked me a question that why should/shouldn't Pakistanis Living out of Pakistan be given chances to raise their voices, because in their opinion they see the true image of Pakistan between other nationalities.
My question, why do they even seek for a chance?
Pakistanis living in Pakistan since they were born and never ever smelled anything except their beloved country,they never got chance to raise their voice. Middle class never got a chance to upgrade his status.Poor never experienced of raising his voice to ask for his rights in his own country. We can never say No to Corruption when you actually witness act of corruption.
We are Mute. We are mute because we aren't allowed to raise our voices. We are mute because we aren't given chances. We are mute because this is the only way to live in your own country.
Do we have any example of a Common man raising his voice against wrong doing? Do they live long? Any action taken by the elites?
Unfortunately we all know the answer.
The true image of Pakistani is quite positive. They are a bunch of optimistic people,they are hard working,patriotic but what matters is who cares?
Who cares if you are positive, you still ain't getting that job. Who cares you are optimistic you still have to wait 3 more hours in the line because this is what common people do. You're hard working? So do many other homeless people. Patriotic. Let me go to Switzerland to witness patriotism.
This is how it is. You want to raise your voice? Go ahead. Nobody is listening.


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