Hijab means to cover yourself from head to toe. It's a religious norm. Few of the Muslim women wears hijab publicly to cover their head and their body in such a way that your body parts/cuts are not visible. But covering your face is not important in hijab.

Its a religious, cultural, traditional norm in many countries but is totally an individuals own choice.
I myself wear hijab and i find it comfortable and cool.

There are many advantages of wearing Hijab and few are as follows:

  • No need for styling hair
When you wear hijab there's no need to worry about making good, neat, new hairstyles everyday. You just need a cheap hair clip to tie your hair and you're ready to cover your head with a gorgeous Scarf.

  • Prevent from sunburn
When you wear a scarf on daily basis you are actually preventing your hair from sunburn. The hot sunny weather can do nothing to your beautiful shiny hair because you have a shield that is your Hijab.

  • No need to waste time on choosing clothes
When it comes to cover your body, women wears a gown like piece of cloth from neck to toe called "Abaya". When you wear abaya you tend to save a lot time when you are going out because you don't need to spend hours to choose your clothes. Just wear a gorgeous abaya with matching scarf and you are good to go,

  • No need to iron your clothes
When you wear abaya you don't have to worry what are you wearing inside of the abaya, you don't even have to iron/press your clothes.

  • Look alike
Hijabis looks same when in a crowd. It's an advantage for a woman to be Vanished in a crowd. There are many moments when you wish you could disappear. A Hijabi Actually knows how great it feels like.

  • Modest and trendy
In my point of view hijab can be carried fashionably and with modesty. A hijabi can go sparkly, trendy, funky and modest at the same time.


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