Ten ways to pass time when you are bored at home.

   If you are reading this article then definitely you are bored and your partner just ditched you. Lets discuss ten ways for time pass.

1. Grab your PC and search for things you always think of searching but never find time for it.

2. Eat. Eat whatever you like, order some food or eat snacks. 

3. Sing. Sing whatever you can or like. But Don't forget to put on your headphones.

4. Make a list of things you'll want to do in your life, or list of things you want to buy, or may be things you would do when you become a billionaire.

5. Call someone you wish to talk to. Or may be a friend who is available late night.


6. Play online games. Choose your favourite category and start !

7. Think. Make up a story in which you're a super hero and saves the world, people admires you, secretly have a crush on you.

8. Watch Television. Switch on the Television and start shuffling the channels from "0". There must be some channel you'll stop and watch. 

9. Dress up crazy. Try on your sibling's,friend's clothes. Satisfy yourself and take selfies.

10. Sleep. Leave everything behind just relax and sleep as long as you want. It kills time really quickly. 


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