Lets teach Patriotism instead of Politics.

Teaching in a school I've noticed a lot political views from pupils. Even though they don't know much about politics but they associate themselves as a true member of  specific political party.

Pakistani focus too much on sectarianism than patriotism. Not only youngsters of our society, now children have identified the division. They do discuss the differences and to whom they should/ will vote in the future.

This is not it. They are well aware of political offensive slogans, parodies, rhymes favourable quotes, songs and pick up lines. They know all the discussed flaws about opposition party without knowing the real story. Have no idea about history. Just know whom to make Fun of.

Kids these days don't talk about unity, patriotism, brotherhood, nationalism or loyalty but believes in Rhymes such as "Zinda hai Mahajir Zinda hai" , "girti hui deewar ko aik dhakka aur do" , "tabdilia aa nahin rahi tabdili aa gai hai" and offensive quotes such as "P se pitaai T se thukaai I.I.I.I" and "shair ka shikari aa gya hai" .

These children need to be taught more about unity, faith, brotherhood, love rather then sectarian differences. We need to focus on our One country, not the differences, conflicts among the people of our country. We should remind ourselves, our children, even the society that we are one nation, we need to stand united before we fall into billion pieces.

Be a true Pakistani. Teach the new generation about brotherhood and nationalism, love and care. And only one Slogan "Pakistan Zindabaad!!!"


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