
Showing posts from 2015

DIY Dream catcher

Things you will need to make: 1- CD 2- Colored papers (of your choice) 3- Ribbon (one or more... single or multi shaded) 4- Glue 5- Markers (optional) step 1: make colorful origami stars. step 2: take the colored paper and measure the CD size. draw whatever you like to draw on the paper. step 3: now take ribbons and cut into different sizes and paste it onto the CD. and cover the CD area with the paper you've already measured,cut and drawn something on. step 4: now glue the origami stars on the ribbons. and you are done.

DIY Origami Stars

Take colored papers. Horizontally cut stripes measuring half inch each strip. Now tie a knot with one of the strip of paper. After forming a pentagon, maintain the shape and start folding the rest of the strip. After its folded press the corners to pop the star. It will give it a 3D form.



Ten ways to pass time when you are bored at home.

   If you are reading this article then definitely you are bored and your partner just ditched you. Lets discuss ten ways for time pass. 1. Grab your PC and search for things you always think of searching but never find time for it. 2. Eat. Eat whatever you like, order some food or eat snacks.  3. Sing. Sing whatever you can or like. But Don't forget to put on your headphones. 4. Make a list of things you'll want to do in your life, or list of things you want to buy, or may be things you would do when you become a billionaire. 5. Call someone you wish to talk to. Or may be a friend who is available late night.    6. Play online games. Choose your favourite category and start ! 7. Think. Make up a story in which you're a super hero and saves the world, people admires you, secretly have a crush on you. 8. Watch Television. Switch on the Television and start shuffling the channels from "0"



Lets teach Patriotism instead of Politics.

Teaching in a school I've noticed a lot political views from pupils. Even though they don't know much about politics but they associate themselves as a true member of  specific political party. Pakistani focus too much on sectarianism than patriotism. Not only youngsters of our society, now children have identified the division. They do discuss the differences and to whom they should/ will vote in the future. This is not it. They are well aware of political offensive slogans, parodies, rhymes favourable quotes, songs and pick up lines. They know all the discussed flaws about opposition party without knowing the real story. Have no idea about history. Just know whom to make Fun of. Kids these days don't talk about unity, patriotism, brotherhood, nationalism or loyalty but believes in Rhymes such as "Zinda hai Mahajir Zinda hai" , "girti hui deewar ko aik dhakka aur do" , "tabdilia aa nahin rahi tabdili aa gai hai" and offensive


I don't like cooking. There was a time when i used to get annoyed when i was asked to make even a cup of tea, still gets annoyed but shouldn't be mentioning... Cooking is like a big punishment for me. Cooking should be a global torture. For the people of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and many other countries cooking and baking is only women's business.. but when it comes to complimenting men are said to be the best chefs, putting the efforts, sweat shedding of women in the gutter. I now can cook but if someone pulls me out of the kitchen blaming i can not even boil water... i'll agree , push myself against the wall and wont return to that hell again. After basic cooking comes roti making. Cooking can be easy sometimes but making/cooking rotis is like sculpture making with eyes closed. You can not guess where to fix a nose. Even if you tried its always on the wrong side. Roti making is a big curse for me... and for many other girls who stand with me..

Annoying Nosy people

These kind of people are normally defined as people who cared about everything on earth and gossips about it with everyone in front of everyone and even inform people who don't event wish to hear it about and then suddenly everything said and heard becomes non of their businesses. They suddenly don't care about anything and are just dragged forcefully to the topic by the one who have been talked about. How Magical is it... isn't it? "Our neighbor bought new car, I wonder how did they afford such a big car... who owns it By the way... is it the youngest son or the one who just joined new office? The eldest son had his own car already, who it must be ? Why did they need a new car anyway?" Family discussion. person one: "Did you notice the brand new car next door?" Person two: "Oh! yes its the eldest son's" person one: "is it so? he already had one isn't it?" Person two: "Yes but i think he bought new one&

Cutlets recipe with pictures By Sundus Haroon.

After completing my graduation program I started My cooking program. And I planned to write some of the easiest and quick recipes. Cutlets is something which can be made within an hour, it can be as presentable as you can, it can be as a side dish, it can be served as a refreshment, it can also be something really helpful for the mothers of choosy little kids, Now  for this we may need: 3 boiled chicken pieces 1 cup of Bread crumbs 1 egg 3 medium size boiled and pealed potatoes Directions: After the collection of all above ingredients. Smash the pealed potatoes. Add Salt, red chili powder, chicken cube, oregano leaves. (and spices you wish to add but these are enough) Add shredded chicken and mix thoroughly Now beat an egg in a bowl add salt and chili powder. heat oil. Make kebab shape or round shape of the potato better, dip into the  egg mix. then coat it with bread crumbs and fry at low flame. your cutlets are ready when it turns golden / b