I don't like cooking. There was a time when i used to get annoyed when i was asked to make even a cup of tea, still gets annoyed but shouldn't be mentioning...

Cooking is like a big punishment for me. Cooking should be a global torture.

For the people of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and many other countries cooking and baking is only women's business.. but when it comes to complimenting men are said to be the best chefs, putting the efforts, sweat shedding of women in the gutter.

I now can cook but if someone pulls me out of the kitchen blaming i can not even boil water... i'll agree , push myself against the wall and wont return to that hell again.

After basic cooking comes roti making.
Cooking can be easy sometimes but making/cooking rotis is like sculpture making with eyes closed. You can not guess where to fix a nose. Even if you tried its always on the wrong side.

Roti making is a big curse for me... and for many other girls who stand with me..


  1. Roti was da first thing i learned :-P was fun..but da thing iz dat asian countries think, kitchen iz only women's responsibility.. Which iz vry wrong..itz evry person's responsibility lving in da house...hunger iz smthing dat evry1 hv so, they shud tk their own responsibilities for their food..n not di other person..or atleast dey shud help di kitchen

  2. Totally agree with you. Asians have made it.the most frustrating thing for females.


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