New Zealand's Darkest day.

I did no harm,
I dressed in charm,

I entered the mosque,
And took off my socks,
I made my wudu,
Who knew he'd screw.

He attacked our masjid,
And it was so rapid,
It wasn't even valid,
The way he acted.

Massacre occurred,
And everyone suffered,
Kalma-e-shahadat was what martyrs muttered.

Why would he murder?
Is it some kind of disorder?
Why we Muslims are always been tortured?

I did no harm,
I was totally unarmed,
I was so alarmed,
That he was thoroughly armed,

How did he get these?
These 'Weapons' with ease.
This question should be raised, who agrees?

He was greeted by a victim: "Hello Brother"
Before he shot dozens of worshipers.

It is not a video game.
It is so not fair.
Why is terror and hate in the air?
We Muslims are so scared,eyes full of tears.
We swear to lord, it's totally unfair.

I did no harm.
I did no harm.

Islam means peace, so do we,
We want peace,
Every Muslim agrees.
Spread the word,
In every nation at least.


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