
Showing posts from December, 2014

unsuccessful relations

Previously i have noticed one big problem In our country that marriages or engagements don't last for long. It is not a happy ending after all the hard time and struggling. Man or women either one of both don't feel satisfied because of his/her partner's behaviour. It is becoming very very common to face fighting, arguments, misunderstandings, differences (between fiance, husband or wife) couple. May be it is due to the modernisation among youngster's way of thinking and the age difference of their parents which is being a big barrier in understanding the psychology of their children. Parents these days fails to understand the mentality of new generation and the society. They neglect the wishes , likes and dislikes and the aims and goals of their sons and daughters. Its a part of our culture to be the owner of narrow thinking. (which includes early marriages or engagements for a extended time). Old trend of early marriages have taken place even in educated

Story : What i thought was not the reality.

After completing college, I was admitted to a well-reputed university for my graduate program. On the very first day of my university, I made many friends. “Azfel” was one of them.  It was the start of the winter season. My university was so beautiful. Newly constructed hostels, departments, Cafe, a garden with colorful flowers and a fountain, and many things I’ll not able to elaborate on.  As every young individual out there had plans, so do I. Had planned to study well and enjoy my life to the fullest. After noticing the pretty-looking girls I was sure about the Fun I was going to have there. I belonged to an upper-middle-class family and was too liberal accordingly. The majority were like me. I was in the garden hunting for new friends to make. My priority was to become friends with girls. Actually, girls are a good source to make someone famous and wanted. But noticed a bunch of guys looked lively. They were diverting everyone’s attention. Their laughter was enough for me to